'Gossip/Diablo'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2012.05.14 D3TexConv
  2. 2012.05.14 MPQ Image Extraction
  3. 2012.05.14 MPQ Editor
  4. 2012.04.28 기대되는 디아블로 3
2012. 5. 14. 23:17


The D3TexConv tool dumps the data from 1 or more tex files, outputting dds files for the image(s) and tab delimited txt files for the embedded atlas data for each image.


Includes binary and full source code:


For viewing and converting of the DDS files, it is recommended you use InfranView or nVidia's Texture Tools for Photoshop

2012. 5. 14. 23:15

MPQ Image Extraction

While searching for MPQ Image Extraction, I'd found an interesting article.

Following link needs to be investigated in more detail:


Finally I'd found a cool site that introduces full description about extracting an image. I summarized a little to remove contents related to the Starcraft 2.



- D3 Model Tool Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?08m5vk9xc938pl3

D3 Model Tool Pack.zip

- Diablo III Beta MPQs.

- MPQEditor : http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html


1. Extracting the files:

- Open up the MPQ Editor and find the Diablo III Beta MPQs, they should be in C:\program files\Diablo II Beta\Data_D3\PC\

- Appearance models are usually found in the ClientData.mpq and textures are usually found in Textures.mpq

- For this example we used the a1dun_leor_chest_rare.app so, go ahead and open the ClientData.mpq and find that file. Extract it to wherever you wish and you should now have extracted a diablo III model file. .app files are usually found in the /appearance/ subfolder within the MPQ.

- Now we need to extract its corresponding textures, so go ahead and open up the Texures.mpq and find the a1dun_leor_chest_rare.tex, Diablo III textures are .tex files (Assume it's short for textures). When you've found the file, extract it and you should be done extracting the files.

2. Converting the files for use in graphic tools such as 3ds max:

- Inside the D3 Model Tools Pack there's a folder called D3AppConvert2Obj, go inside and there should be a .exe called D3AppConvert2Obj.exe

- Copy the a1dun_leor_chest_rare.app file to the folder that D3AppConvert2Obj.exe exists

- Run a dos prompt (use the windows search function to search for cmd.exe) and move to the folder (The cd command will help you to do it)

- Type in "D3AppConvert2Obj.exe -f a1dun_Leor_Chest_Rare.app" then you can see a .obj file.

- Copy the  a1dun_leor_chest_rare.tex file to the folder that D3textconvert_v0.9.exe exists

- Run a dos prompt (use the windows search function to search for cmd.exe) and move to the folder (The cd command will help you to do it)

- Type in "D3textconvert_v0.9.exe a1dun_leor_chest_rare.tex" then you can see a .tex file.

That's all. Open a .obj file and a .tex file with appropriate graphic tool. I used the Deep Exploration 6.3(http://www.righthemisphere.com/products/dexp/). Following image is the result:

2012. 5. 14. 23:11

MPQ Editor

MPQ (MoPaQ) is an archive format developed by Blizzard Entertainment, purposed for storing data files, images, sounds, music and videos for their games. The name MoPaQ comes from the author of the format, Mike O'Brien (Mike O'brien PaCK). So far, MPQ archives have been used for the following games:

  • Diablo

  • StarCraft

  • Warcraft II (Battle.net Edition)

  • Diablo II

  • Warcraft III

  • World of Warcraft

  • Starcraft II

  • Lord of Magic (by Sierra)

  • Hellfire (Diablo datadisk by Sierra)



Besides MPQ Editor, there are more utilities to be helpful for developers. Against a broken link, I attached (currently) the newest versions including StormLib library.




2012. 4. 28. 06:44

기대되는 디아블로 3

도대체 몇년을 기다린걸까요? 

디아블로 2를 워낙 재밌게 해서 출시해 주는 것만으로 완소입니다. 디아 3때문에 메모리도 사고 PC 상태를 점검하고 있습니다. 필요하면 모니터도 금방이라도 지를 태세입니다.

나이가 몇인데 20일도 남지 않은 그 날을 손꼽아 기다리게 되는군요.

"몇 밤 남았어?"

라며 소풍날짜를 엄마에게 물었던 어릴 때 기억이 문득 생각나는군요. 

오락 접은지 꽤 됬는데 다시금 손대게끔 만드는 블리자드를 미워해야 할지 고마워해야 할지~

미워도 미운게 아니겠죠~

(저도 개발자인데 이런 완소 애플리케이션 만들고 싶다~)