2009. 10. 22. 06:02

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Starting a modal dialog hidden

You often hear people complain that despite putting a ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) in their OnInitDialog their modal dialog still starts up in a shown state. The problem here is that when CDialog::OnInitDialog() finishes it will call ShowWindow(SW_SHOW). Thus your dialog box is again made visisble. But then as, is to be expected, people have worked around this. Here is what you need to do.

Add a BOOL member to your dialog class and call it something, say visible.

Now in your dialog constructor set visible to false.

visible = false;

Now you need to override WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. You might have to change your message filtering options to have this message show up in the Class Wizard.

void CTest_deleteDlg::OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) 
lpwndpos->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW;


That's it. Now your modal dialog actually starts up in a hidden state. And when you want to make it visible this is what you need to do.

visible = true;

From : http://www.voidnish.com/Articles/ShowArticle.aspx?code=dlgboxtricks