'7. Tips/CHEF (opscode)'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2014.07.10 How to change chef-server's nginx configure
  2. 2014.06.02 Knife bootstrap failed only with "Connection closed by remote host"
2014. 7. 10. 03:02

How to change chef-server's nginx configure

There are two ways to achieve this.

First is to use nginx's config file directly. chef-server's nginx config file is located under 


After changing some settings, restart chef-server as below:

 sudo chef-server-ctl restart

Second is to use chef-server.rb file instead of using nginx.conf file

This file is located under /etc/chef-server. If it doesn't exist, just create it. put some values you want in it as below:

 nginx['ssl_port'] = 449

To see the more detailed information about this, visit the following link:


After specifying some options, run the following commands to apply those.

 sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

 sudo chef-server-ctl restart

2014. 6. 2. 06:56

Knife bootstrap failed only with "Connection closed by remote host"

Knife bootstrap beyond a jump host failed just showing following log:

 DEBUG: Adding xx.xx.xxx.xxx

DEBUG: establishing connection to

DEBUG: connection established

INFO: negotiation protocol version

ERROR: Net::SSH:Disconnect: connection closed by remote host

To resolve this, change ssh config as below on the jump host:

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

 AllowTcpForwading yes

And restart ssh service.